
Theorycrafting for Final Fantasy XIV.

This project is maintained by rconcep

Part 5: advanced topics

from samurai import *
from plotting import *

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sb
from IPython.display import display
%matplotlib inline

pd.options.display.max_rows = None

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On buff priority

SAM has two self buffs and one target debuff to apply. The slashing resistance down debuff may be applied by WAR and NIN within 2-3 GCDs, letting you defer Yukikaze. What order should you apply your buffs and debuffs from a fresh start? Let’s examine some rotations that differ only in the buff/debuff application order.

Shifu, Jinpu, Yukikaze

sam = Samurai(kenki_mastery=2)

actions = [('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Shifu', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Kasha', 'Hagakure'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Guren'), ('Yukikaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'),
           ('Midare Setsugekka')]
df_buffs_0, average_potency, pps = sam.parse_rotation(actions)
average potency per GCD = 517.7471428571428
average potency per second = 238.436184211
Time Weaponskill Abilities Potency Jinpu Shifu Yukikaze Higanbana Kenki Total Potency
0 0.00 Hakaze 150.000 False False False 0 0 150.000
1 2.40 Shifu 280.000 False False False 0 5 430.000
2 4.56 Kasha 400.000 False True False 0 10 830.000
3 6.72 Higanbana 425.200 False True False 0 20 1255.200
4 8.88 Hakaze 175.200 False True False 1 20 1430.400
5 11.04 Jinpu 305.200 False True False 1 25 1735.600
6 13.20 Gekko 485.200 True True False 1 30 2220.800
7 15.36 Hakaze 197.700 True True False 1 40 2418.500
8 17.52 Yukikaze 416.200 True True False 1 45 2834.700
9 19.68 Hakaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 599.625 True True True 1 55 3434.325
10 21.84 Shifu (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 765.570 True True True 1 35 4199.895
11 24.00 Kasha (Hagakure,) 535.800 True True True 1 15 4735.695
12 26.16 Hakaze (Hissatsu: Guren,) 1237.875 True True True 1 85 5973.570
13 28.32 Yukikaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 842.160 True True True 1 40 6815.730
14 30.48 Hakaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 599.625 True True True 1 25 7415.355
15 32.64 Jinpu 382.620 True True True 1 5 7797.975
16 34.80 Gekko 535.800 True True True 1 10 8333.775
17 36.96 Hakaze 216.675 True True True 1 20 8550.450
18 39.12 Shifu 382.620 True True True 1 25 8933.070
19 41.28 Kasha (Hissatsu: Kaiten,) 535.800 True True True 1 30 9468.870
20 43.44 Midare Setsugekka 1403.820 True True True 1 20 10872.690

Jinpu, Shifu, Yukikaze

sam = Samurai(kenki_mastery=2)

actions = [('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha'),           
           ('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Jinpu', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Gekko', 'Hagakure'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Guren'), ('Yukikaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'),
           ('Midare Setsugekka')]
df_buffs_1, average_potency, pps = sam.parse_rotation(actions)
average potency per GCD = 530.2328571428571
average potency per second = 239.151417526
Time Weaponskill Abilities Potency Jinpu Shifu Yukikaze Higanbana Kenki Total Potency
0 0.00 Hakaze 150.000 False False False 0 0 150.000
1 2.40 Jinpu 280.000 False False False 0 5 430.000
2 4.80 Gekko 460.000 True False False 0 10 890.000
3 7.20 Higanbana 492.200 True False False 0 20 1382.200
4 9.60 Hakaze 204.700 True False False 1 20 1586.900
5 12.00 Shifu 354.200 True False False 1 25 1941.100
6 14.16 Kasha 488.980 True True False 1 30 2430.080
7 16.32 Hakaze 201.480 True True False 1 40 2631.560
8 18.48 Yukikaze 419.980 True True False 1 45 3051.540
9 20.64 Hakaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 603.405 True True True 1 55 3654.945
10 22.80 Jinpu (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 769.350 True True True 1 35 4424.295
11 24.96 Gekko (Hagakure,) 539.580 True True True 1 15 4963.875
12 27.12 Hakaze (Hissatsu: Guren,) 1241.655 True True True 1 85 6205.530
13 29.28 Yukikaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 845.940 True True True 1 40 7051.470
14 31.44 Hakaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 603.405 True True True 1 25 7654.875
15 33.60 Shifu 386.400 True True True 1 5 8041.275
16 35.76 Kasha 539.580 True True True 1 10 8580.855
17 37.92 Hakaze 220.455 True True True 1 20 8801.310
18 40.08 Jinpu 386.400 True True True 1 25 9187.710
19 42.24 Gekko (Hissatsu: Kaiten,) 539.580 True True True 1 30 9727.290
20 44.40 Midare Setsugekka 1407.600 True True True 1 20 11134.890

Yukikaze, Jinpu, Shifu

sam = Samurai(kenki_mastery=2)

actions = [('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),           
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Yukikaze', 'Hagakure'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Guren'), ('Jinpu', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Gekko', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'),
           ('Midare Setsugekka'),
df_buffs_2, average_potency, pps = sam.parse_rotation(actions)
average potency per GCD = 517.4309523809524
average potency per second = 230.995960884
Time Weaponskill Abilities Potency Jinpu Shifu Yukikaze Higanbana Kenki Total Potency
0 0.00 Hakaze 150.000 False False False 0 0 150.000
1 2.40 Yukikaze 340.000 False False False 0 5 490.000
2 4.80 Higanbana 368.000 False False True 0 15 858.000
3 7.20 Hakaze 194.500 False False True 1 15 1052.500
4 9.60 Jinpu 338.800 False False True 1 20 1391.300
5 12.00 Gekko 538.600 True False True 1 25 1929.900
6 14.40 Hakaze 219.475 True False True 1 35 2149.375
7 16.80 Shifu 385.420 True False True 1 40 2534.795
8 18.96 Kasha (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 918.750 True True True 1 45 3453.545
9 21.12 Hakaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 599.625 True True True 1 30 4053.170
10 23.28 Yukikaze (Hagakure,) 459.210 True True True 1 10 4512.380
11 25.44 Hakaze (Hissatsu: Guren,) 1237.875 True True True 1 80 5750.255
12 27.60 Jinpu (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 765.570 True True True 1 35 6515.825
13 29.76 Gekko (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 918.750 True True True 1 15 7434.575
14 31.92 Hakaze 216.675 True True True 1 0 7651.250
15 34.08 Yukikaze 459.210 True True True 1 5 8110.460
16 36.24 Hakaze 216.675 True True True 1 15 8327.135
17 38.40 Shifu 382.620 True True True 1 20 8709.755
18 40.56 Kasha (Hissatsu: Kaiten,) 535.800 True True True 1 25 9245.555
19 42.72 Midare Setsugekka 1403.820 True True True 1 15 10649.375
20 44.88 Hakaze 216.675 True True True 1 15 10866.050

Yukikaze, Shifu, Jinpu

sam = Samurai(kenki_mastery=2)

actions = [('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),           
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Yukikaze', 'Hagakure'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Guren'), ('Jinpu', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Gekko', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'),
           ('Midare Setsugekka'),
df_buffs_3, average_potency, pps = sam.parse_rotation(actions)
average potency per GCD = 510.450238095238
average potency per second = 231.421740069
Time Weaponskill Abilities Potency Jinpu Shifu Yukikaze Higanbana Kenki Total Potency
0 0.00 Hakaze 150.000 False False False 0 0 150.000
1 2.40 Yukikaze 340.000 False False False 0 5 490.000
2 4.80 Higanbana 368.000 False False True 0 15 858.000
3 7.20 Hakaze 194.500 False False True 1 15 1052.500
4 9.60 Shifu 338.800 False False True 1 20 1391.300
5 11.76 Kasha 469.200 False True True 1 25 1860.500
6 13.92 Hakaze 191.700 False True True 1 35 2052.200
7 16.08 Jinpu 336.000 False True True 1 40 2388.200
8 18.24 Gekko (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 918.750 True True True 1 45 3306.950
9 20.40 Hakaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 599.625 True True True 1 30 3906.575
10 22.56 Yukikaze (Hagakure,) 459.210 True True True 1 10 4365.785
11 24.72 Hakaze (Hissatsu: Guren,) 1237.875 True True True 1 80 5603.660
12 26.88 Jinpu (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 765.570 True True True 1 35 6369.230
13 29.04 Gekko (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 918.750 True True True 1 15 7287.980
14 31.20 Hakaze 216.675 True True True 1 0 7504.655
15 33.36 Yukikaze 459.210 True True True 1 5 7963.865
16 35.52 Hakaze 216.675 True True True 1 15 8180.540
17 37.68 Shifu 382.620 True True True 1 20 8563.160
18 39.84 Kasha (Hissatsu: Kaiten,) 535.800 True True True 1 25 9098.960
19 42.00 Midare Setsugekka 1403.820 True True True 1 15 10502.780
20 44.16 Hakaze 216.675 True True True 1 15 10719.455
compare_n_potencies([df_buffs_0, df_buffs_1, df_buffs_2, df_buffs_3], ['Shifu, Jinpu, Yukikaze', 'Jinpu, Shifu, Yukikaze', 'Yukikaze, Jinpu, Shifu', 'Yukikaze, Shifu, Jinpu'])


The results are quite close but Jinpu and Shifu appear to be the highest priority. For total party DPS, contributions due to (~16s) earlier application of the slashing resistance down debuff should be accounted for, assuming no WAR or NIN in the party. How do priorities differ if someone else, e.g., WAR, can apply the debuff instead?

External force applying slashing resistance down early

sam = Samurai(kenki_mastery=2)
sam.applied_yukikaze = True

actions = [('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Shifu', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Kasha', 'Hagakure'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Guren'), ('Yukikaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'),
           ('Midare Setsugekka')]

df_buffs_0_sl, average_potency, pps = sam.parse_rotation(actions)

sam = Samurai(kenki_mastery=2)
sam.applied_yukikaze = True

actions = [('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha'),           
           ('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Jinpu', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Gekko', 'Hagakure'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Guren'), ('Yukikaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'),
           ('Midare Setsugekka')]

df_buffs_1_sl, average_potency, pps = sam.parse_rotation(actions)

sam = Samurai(kenki_mastery=2)
sam.applied_yukikaze = True

actions = [('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),           
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Yukikaze', 'Hagakure'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Guren'), ('Jinpu', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Gekko', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'),
           ('Midare Setsugekka'),

df_buffs_2_sl, average_potency, pps = sam.parse_rotation(actions)

sam = Samurai(kenki_mastery=2)
sam.applied_yukikaze = True

actions = [('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),           
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Yukikaze', 'Hagakure'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Guren'), ('Jinpu', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Gekko', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'),
           ('Midare Setsugekka'),

df_buffs_3_sl, average_potency, pps = sam.parse_rotation(actions)
average potency per GCD = 529.5511904761904
average potency per second = 243.872258772
average potency per GCD = 543.0033333333333
average potency per second = 244.911297251
average potency per GCD = 517.4309523809524
average potency per second = 230.995960884
average potency per GCD = 510.450238095238
average potency per second = 231.421740069
compare_n_potencies([df_buffs_0_sl, df_buffs_1_sl, df_buffs_2_sl, df_buffs_3_sl], ['Shifu, Jinpu, Yukikaze', 'Jinpu, Shifu, Yukikaze', 'Yukikaze, Jinpu, Shifu', 'Yukikaze, Shifu, Jinpu'])


Here I made the assumption that the slashing resistance down debuff was already applied at the beginning of each rotation. We see that the value of deferring Yukikaze increases if someone else can apply the debuff instead. Although the average potency per GCD is much higher when applying Jinpu before Shifu while the delta in pps is much smaller, the results are likely to change as your skill speed changes. Here are some points to consider:

Because the outcome from either priority system is so similar, external factors such as party buffs and encounter duration will be the primary driving force behind which policy you follow. The above points of consideration plus those external factors should play into how you design openers on a case-by-case basis.

back to the top…

On Meikyo Shisui

Some of the initial questions of Meikyo Shisui were if Iaijutsu would consume charges of it and if combo actions initiated during it would continue after the buff expired. Testing on the live server showed:

The first revelation increases the flexibility of Meikyo Shisui. With the buff’s 10s duration, it is possible to spend your three charges while using an Iaijutsu sometime in between. The implications of that are immense:

1) High, raw damage in 3-4 GCDs - e.g., with Setsu already open, do Kasha, Gekko+Hissatsu: Kaiten, Midare Setsugekka, Kasha. That’s 1200+1080=2280 potency in 4 GCDs plus 30 Kenki.

2) Up to 30 Kenki generated in 3-4 GCDs

3) Expedited Sen opening for rapid Iaijutsu and/or Kenki generation via Hagakure

The sheer potency and utility of Kasha, Gekko, and (to a lesser extent) Yukikaze exemplify how powerful Meikyo Shisui is. At 400 potency (340 for Yukikaze) and 10 Kenki generated for each, the opportunity to skip the lower potency and Kenki production of Hakaze, Shifu, and Jinpu is huge. From a damage and potential damage perspective, it is optimal to use Meikyo Shisui to do some combination of Kasha, Gekko, and Yukikaze with an Iaijutsu in between.

Example 1: Two of Kasha or Gekko, one of the other

sam = Samurai(kenki_mastery=2)

actions = [('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze', 'Hissatsu: Guren'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hagakure'), ('Yukikaze', 'Meikyo Shisui'),
           ('Gekko', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'),
           ('Midare Setsugekka'),
           ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'),
           ('Midare Setsugekka'),
           ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Shinten')]

df_ms, average_potency, pps = sam.parse_rotation(actions)
average potency per GCD = 532.045652173913
average potency per second = 241.647906793
Time Weaponskill Abilities Potency Jinpu Shifu Yukikaze Higanbana Kenki Total Potency
0 0.00 Hakaze 150.000 False False False 0 0 150.000
1 2.40 Jinpu 280.000 False False False 0 5 430.000
2 4.80 Gekko 460.000 True False False 0 10 890.000
3 7.20 Hakaze 172.500 True False False 0 20 1062.500
4 9.60 Shifu 322.000 True False False 0 25 1384.500
5 11.76 Kasha 460.000 True True False 0 30 1844.500
6 13.92 Hakaze 172.500 True True False 0 40 2017.000
7 16.08 Yukikaze (Hissatsu: Guren,) 1412.200 True True False 0 45 3429.200
8 18.24 Hakaze (Hagakure,) 191.475 True True True 0 5 3620.675
9 20.40 Yukikaze (Meikyo Shisui,) 434.010 True True True 0 70 4054.685
10 22.56 Gekko (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 893.550 True True True 0 80 4948.235
11 24.72 Kasha (Hissatsu: Kaiten,) 510.600 True True True 0 65 5458.835
12 26.88 Midare Setsugekka 1378.620 True True True 0 55 6837.455
13 29.04 Kasha (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 510.600 True True True 0 55 7348.055
14 31.20 Hakaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 574.425 True True True 0 30 7922.480
15 33.36 Jinpu 357.420 False True True 0 10 8279.900
16 35.52 Gekko 510.600 True True True 0 15 8790.500
17 37.68 Hakaze 191.475 True True True 0 25 8981.975
18 39.84 Yukikaze 434.010 True False True 0 30 9415.985
19 42.00 Hakaze 191.475 True False True 0 40 9607.460
20 44.16 Shifu (Hissatsu: Kaiten,) 357.420 True False True 0 45 9964.880
21 46.32 Midare Setsugekka 1378.620 True True True 0 30 11343.500
22 48.48 Kasha (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 893.550 True True True 0 30 12237.050


By using some combination of Kasha and Gekko only for our Meikyo Shisui charges, we end up with the situation where one of our Shifu or Jinpu buffs will fall off. This is due to us avoiding combos that terminate in opening a Sen that has already been opened; in this example, it was the Kasha combo leading to Shifu being dropped for about 4-5 seconds. In this instance, we moved the final Midare Setsugekka to after Hakaze -> Shifu to minimize Shifu downtime.

The penalty for dropping the Shifu or Jinpu buff is in the neighborhood of 9-15% potency per GCD. For example, dropping Jinpu for 4-5 seconds is about two GCDs plus auto attacks; Hakaze -> Jinpu is 150+280=430 potency plus maybe 2 auto attacks. This puts the raw potency lost due to a dropped buff in the order of 90-100 (auto attacks not accounted for in my modeling). This is larger than the difference between Yukikaze and Kasha or Gekko.

Example: One Yukikaze, one Kasha, one Gekko

sam = Samurai(kenki_mastery=2)

actions = [('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze', 'Hissatsu: Guren'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hagakure'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko', 'Meikyo Shisui'),
           ('Yukikaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'),
           ('Midare Setsugekka'),
           ('Gekko', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Jinpu', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'),
           ('Midare Setsugekka'),
           ('Gekko', 'Hissatsu: Shinten')]

df_ms2, average_potency, pps = sam.parse_rotation(actions)
average potency per GCD = 556.6820833333333
average potency per second = 253.037310606
Time Weaponskill Abilities Potency Jinpu Shifu Yukikaze Higanbana Kenki Total Potency
0 0.00 Hakaze 150.000 False False False 0 0 150.000
1 2.40 Jinpu 280.000 False False False 0 5 430.000
2 4.80 Gekko 460.000 True False False 0 10 890.000
3 7.20 Hakaze 172.500 True False False 0 20 1062.500
4 9.60 Shifu 322.000 True False False 0 25 1384.500
5 11.76 Kasha 460.000 True True False 0 30 1844.500
6 13.92 Hakaze 172.500 True True False 0 40 2017.000
7 16.08 Yukikaze (Hissatsu: Guren,) 1412.200 True True False 0 45 3429.200
8 18.24 Hakaze (Hagakure,) 191.475 True True True 0 5 3620.675
9 20.40 Jinpu 357.420 True True True 0 70 3978.095
10 22.56 Gekko (Meikyo Shisui,) 510.600 True True True 0 75 4488.695
11 24.72 Yukikaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 816.960 True True True 0 85 5305.655
12 26.88 Kasha (Hissatsu: Kaiten,) 510.600 True True True 0 70 5816.255
13 29.04 Midare Setsugekka 1378.620 True True True 0 60 7194.875
14 31.20 Gekko (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 893.550 True True True 0 60 8088.425
15 33.36 Hakaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 574.425 True True True 0 45 8662.850
16 35.52 Shifu 357.420 True True True 0 25 9020.270
17 37.68 Kasha 510.600 True True True 0 30 9530.870
18 39.84 Hakaze 191.475 True True True 0 40 9722.345
19 42.00 Yukikaze 434.010 True True True 0 45 10156.355
20 44.16 Hakaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 574.425 True True True 0 55 10730.780
21 46.32 Jinpu (Hissatsu: Kaiten,) 357.420 True True True 0 35 11088.200
22 48.48 Midare Setsugekka 1378.620 True True True 0 20 12466.820
23 50.64 Gekko (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 893.550 True True True 0 20 13360.370


compare_n_potencies([df_ms, df_ms2], ['Gekko/Kasha only', 'Yukikaze + Gekko/Kasha'])


The advantage of using Yukikaze in your Meikyo Shisui window ensures you don’t need to worry about dropping a buff. The final weaponskill you use on Meikyo Shisui should be the one of Kasha or Gekko corresponding to the buff with the longest remaining duration. For example, if Shifu has more duration than Jinpu, finish the window with Kasha then follow up with the Gekko combo. The auto-attack penalty from dropping a buff isn’t accounted for here but regardless, the second policy comes out on top. (Generating extra Kenki for Hissatsu: Shinten doesn’t hurt either.)

back to the top…

On Kenki spending

As I’ve iterated, Kenki grants access to just about all of your damage-dealing abilities which are, cumulatively, an enormous share of your potential DPS. Economical spending of Kenki is therefore essential to maximizing your DPS.

Throughout the leveling process, we gain a number of Kenki spenders. We examine their value by their potency per Kenki (ppK) in order to evaluate their usefulness.

For single target situations:

1) Hissatsu: Guren (16 ppK)

1) Although at a lower ppK than Hissatsu: Kaiten on Iaijutsu, its potency is from the ability and not a weaponskill. It does not directly compete with Iaijutsu; it only competes via Hagakure usage.

2) Hissatsu: Kaiten on Higanbana (full duration) (23.5 ppK)

2) Hissatsu: Kaiten on Midare Setsugekka (18 ppK)

3) Hissatsu: Seigan (~13 ppK)

4) Hissatsu: Shinten (12 ppK)

5) Hissatsu: Gyoten / Yaten (10 ppK)

5) Hissatsu: Kaiten on Gekko / Kasha (10 ppK)

For multiple target situations:

1) Hissatsu: Guren (>16 ppK)

2) Hissatsu: Kaiten on Tenka Goken (>9 ppK)

3) Hissatsu: Kyuten (6n ppK, where n is the number of targets)

1) We examined the tradeoff between 2) and 3) in Part 4. In short, always have Kenki to use on Hissatsu: Kaiten for Tenka Goken. Excess Kenki goes to Hissatsu: Kyuten. With the Fuga, Oka, Fuga, Mangetsu combo generating 30 Kenki total, this should always be possible.

Wasted Kenki

Kenki capping is a risk especially when using Hagakure to convert three Sen. The penalty for doing so may be determined via the ppK values above. Since Kenki is quantized in units of 5, the potency losses are not insignificant. These losses are, however, only realized if they would have been spendable in the first place. For example, if you overflowed Kenki by 5 but ended the encounter with 0 Kenki, then you haven’t lost anything because that 5 Kenki could not have been spent anyway. However, if you instead ended with 5 Kenki, it is a loss of 100 potency because you could have spent the 10 Kenki on Hissatsu: Gyoten / Yaten.

Along those lines, while we strive to convert all Kenki into Hissatsu: Seigan / Shinten (in single target situations), ending an encounter with Kenki left on the table is a definite loss. Although typically less than ideal, dump Kenki into Hissatsu: Gyoten if it means Kenki goes unused otherwise. Alternatively, if you have 20 Kenki to spend, use it on Hissatsu: Kaiten for Gekko or Kasha.

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On Hissatsu: Gyoten / Yaten

The difference in ppK between Hissatsu: Shinten and Hissatsu: Gyoten is miniscule but there. The utility of a gap closer is increasing uptime via reduction of transit time. The increase in auto attacks from using Hissatsu: Gyoten should alone make it worth it; the increased weaponskill uptime for Sen and Kenki generation seals the deal. Use Hissatsu: Gyoten whenever you need the gap closer.

Hissatsu: Yaten is a little more subtle. The Enhanced Enpi proc granted increases the potency of the next Enpi you use to 300. Using this Enhanced Enpi gives you time to move back into range and refunds the Kenki cost of using Hissatsu: Yaten. Furthermore, the increased potency offsets the loss from not being able to do your weaponskill combos. (The Gekko/Kasha combos average ~276 potency per GCD plus the Kenki generated.) You may also argue that if you use Hissatsu: Yaten to stay active longer before disengaging to dodge adds benefit from increased uptime.

If our goal is to not take damage from point blank AoE attacks, then our options are:

1) Disengage early to dodge, then:

1) Run back into range

2) Hissatsu: Gyoten back into range

2) Use Hissatsu: Yaten to dodge, then:

1) Run back into range

2) Enpi, then run back into range

3) Enpi, then Hissatsu: Gyoten back into range

Disengaging early and running back into range saves Kenki at the cost of reduced uptime. If that saved Kenki is instead spent on Hissatsu: Shinten, that is a gain of 2 ppK. If we lost weaponskills due to lost uptime, e.g., we lost between 5 and 10 Kenki in addition to the weaponskill potency and auto attacks. It is difficult to imagine a scenario where we would want to take the loss in uptime.

Using Hissatsu: Yaten to dodge incurs the cost of the reduced ppK but not of reduced uptime or related weaponskill losses (since it is off the GCD). The next decision is if you use the Enhanced Enpi proc or not. As stated, the increased potency plus Kenki refund is more than sufficient to make it worth using, especially if the alternative is doing nothing. Doing nothing in lieu of Enpi may be attractive if you are mid-combo since Enpi breaks combo. Breaking combo delays Sen opening, Kenki generation, and devalues the combo actions already taken.

If you backstep mid-combo prior to Kasha or Gekko, you may preserve your combo by doing nothing and waiting to reengage. The outcome is 400 potency, an open Sen, and the 10 Kenki cost of Hissatsu: Yaten refunded. The opened Sen may be valued by its Kenki equivalent (via Hagakure) of 20 – a value of 240 potency if converted into Hissatsu: Shinten. Alternatively, it may be valued for its progress towards Midare Setsugekka – a value of 240 or 360 potency. Compare this to the 300 potency of Enhanced Enpi plus refunded Kenki cost with a broken combo. When faced with these two options, preserving your combo by doing nothing is the attractive option.

Breaking combo after only Hakaze appears to lean differently. It is a similar value proposition as the previous scenario if the intended combo path were Yukikaze. In this case, you should elect to preserve your combo for Yukikaze. However, if the intended combo paths end in Kasha or Gekko, breaking combo with Enhanced Enpi looks more attractive:

The Enhanced Enpi covers the immediate next GCD (Jinpu or Shifu) with its increased potency and higher Kenki generated. It also covers the cost of doing nothing instead. So while you ideally should not use Hissatsu: Yaten to disengage while in the middle of a combo, you should not use Enhanced Enpi unless you’re only on the Hakaze step of the combo and intend to finish the combo with Kasha or Gekko. In that case, you should break combo with Enhanced Enpi.

The final decision is if you use Hissatsu: Gyoten to get back into range. Once again, the tradeoff is reduced Kenki efficiency versus increased uptime. If the dodge maneuver is executed efficienctly, then the GCD after using Enpi will most likely be enough to return to the target without clipping the following GCD. Therefore, the tension is between auto attack uptime and Kenki savings. If auto attacks are approximately 100 potency, then using Hissatsu: Gyoten to close the gap is worth it if at least one auto attack is gained as a result. However, if the Kenki spent on Hissatsu: Gyoten prevents you from using a Hissatsu: Shinten later on, then running back into range would have been the better option. The payoff in using the gap closer is minimal compared to the potential penalty for inefficient Kenki use (~100 potency for a gained auto attack versus 200 potency loss for insufficient Kenki for Hissatsu: Shinten). I would imagine that the expected payoff is optimal if you elect to run back into range instead of using Hissatsu : Gyoten.

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On Third Eye

This defensive ability with a short cooldown offers a modest one time damage taken reduction. Additionally, it grants the Open Eyes status, enabling the use of either Merciful Eyes or Hissatsu: Seigan.

Merciful Eyes’s healing potency was reduced since the media tour tool tip release by a factor of 3. What was once a frequently available Second Wind alternative has been reduced to a pitiful 200 potency heal. In my experience, this is enough to offset an auto attack while, for example, face-tanking a FATE boss. As such, use Open Eyes for Merciful Eyes if you are desparate.

On the other hand, the ability formerly known as Starry Eyes, Hissatsu: Seigan, which was useless due to its high Kenki cost according to the media tour tool tips, has since found its calling along with its renaming to be inline with the other Kenki spenders. At a potency of 200 with a Kenki cost of 15, its potency per Kenki ratio of ~13 ranks it third among Kenki spenders, beating out the gold standard of Hissatsu: Shinten (at a potency per Kenki ratio of 12).

This grants an avenue of optimization in which you try to make sure you activate Third Eye before as many (unavoidable) damage situations as you can. Kenki that would have gone to a Hissatsu: Shinten dump may then be used on Hissatsu: Seigan instead for a theoretical DPS gain. The modest duration of the Open Eyes status (15s) enables you to spend the Open Eyes at your convenience (e.g., you currently only have enough Kenki for an upcoming Hissatsu: Kaiten for Midare Setsugekka, which takes priority).

Of course, this theoretical DPS gain means nothing if the Kenki difference is not made up by the end of the encounter; if you end the encounter with 10 spare Kenki, then a Hissatsu: Shinten should’ve been used instead.

Try taking advantage of Third Eye on fights like Susano EX! There’s raidwide damage with cast bars (Unkehi), targeted damage (stack after knockback, targeted lightning), raidwide damage without cast bars (during the parry active time maneuver).

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On Hagakure

As discussed in part 4, Hagakure is a subtly vital cooldown. By converting open Sen into Kenki, it essentially is shifting damage potential from being on the GCD (via Iaijutsu weaponskills) to being off the GCD (via Kenki spenders). This effectively makes the damage potential “free” because it’s no longer constrained to the GCD. This pushes your rotation up a GCD because you no longer need to cast the Iaijutsu to realize that potential.

Besides Higanbana, Midare Setsugekka is our most powerful Iaijutsu at 720 potency for three Sen. If Hagakure is used to convert this three Sen into Kenki, 60 Kenki is generated. If this Kenki is used for Hissatsu: Shinten at 12 ppK, the equivalent 720 potency is there. Thus, with our “gold standard” of Kenki spenders, all the potency is accounted for. In fact, one does not need to exclusively convert three Sen using Hagakure because it would still be efficient to convert one or two Sen due to the exchange rate. If the generated Kenki is used on Hissatsu: Seigan or other higher efficiency Kenki spenders, the value of Hagakure increases further.

When might it be useful to use Hagakure on one or two Sen?

The value of Hagakure depends on being able to convert the Kenki back into potency. You may look at the ppK list and say, “Hissatsu: Kaiten plus Midare Setsugekka is the highest efficiency use of Kenki. Why should we ever convert three Sen into Kenki?” While it’s true that Hissatsu: Kaiten + Midare Setsugekka is the best bang for your buck in terms of ppK, the ability to move the damage from Midare Setsugekka off the GCD provides the actual gains in pps, which is what actually matters.


sam = Samurai(kenki_mastery=2)

actions = [('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze', 'Hissatsu: Guren'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hagakure'), ('Jinpu', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Gekko', 'Meikyo Shisui'),
           ('Yukikaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'),
           ('Midare Setsugekka'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Yukikaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten')]

df_hgk1, average_potency, pps = sam.parse_rotation(actions)
average potency per GCD = 560.5756250000001
average potency per second = 252.511542793
Time Weaponskill Abilities Potency Jinpu Shifu Yukikaze Higanbana Kenki Total Potency
0 0.00 Hakaze 150.000 False False False 0 0 150.000
1 2.40 Jinpu 280.000 False False False 0 5 430.000
2 4.80 Gekko 460.000 True False False 0 10 890.000
3 7.20 Hakaze 172.500 True False False 0 20 1062.500
4 9.60 Shifu 322.000 True False False 0 25 1384.500
5 11.76 Kasha 460.000 True True False 0 30 1844.500
6 13.92 Hakaze 172.500 True True False 0 40 2017.000
7 16.08 Yukikaze (Hissatsu: Guren,) 1412.200 True True False 0 45 3429.200
8 18.24 Hakaze (Hagakure,) 191.475 True True True 0 5 3620.675
9 20.40 Jinpu (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 740.370 True True True 0 70 4361.045
10 22.56 Gekko (Meikyo Shisui,) 510.600 True True True 0 50 4871.645
11 24.72 Yukikaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 816.960 True True True 0 60 5688.605
12 26.88 Kasha (Hissatsu: Kaiten,) 510.600 True True True 0 45 6199.205
13 29.04 Midare Setsugekka 1378.620 True True True 0 35 7577.825
14 31.20 Hakaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 574.425 True True True 0 35 8152.250
15 33.36 Yukikaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 816.960 True True True 0 15 8969.210
sam = Samurai(kenki_mastery=2)

actions = [('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'),
           ('Midare Setsugekka'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko', 'Meikyo Shisui'),
           ('Yukikaze', 'Hissatsu: Guren'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'),
           ('Midare Setsugekka'), ('Gekko')]

df_hgk2, average_potency, pps = sam.parse_rotation(actions)
average potency per GCD = 543.8215625
average potency per second = 244.964667793
Time Weaponskill Abilities Potency Jinpu Shifu Yukikaze Higanbana Kenki Total Potency
0 0.00 Hakaze 150.000 False False False 0 0 150.000
1 2.40 Jinpu 280.000 False False False 0 5 430.000
2 4.80 Gekko 460.000 True False False 0 10 890.000
3 7.20 Hakaze 172.500 True False False 0 20 1062.500
4 9.60 Shifu 322.000 True False False 0 25 1384.500
5 11.76 Kasha 460.000 True True False 0 30 1844.500
6 13.92 Hakaze 172.500 True True False 0 40 2017.000
7 16.08 Yukikaze (Hissatsu: Kaiten,) 391.000 True True False 0 45 2408.000
8 18.24 Midare Setsugekka 1378.620 True True True 0 35 3786.620
9 20.40 Hakaze 191.475 True True True 0 35 3978.095
10 22.56 Jinpu 357.420 True True True 0 40 4335.515
11 24.72 Gekko (Meikyo Shisui,) 510.600 True True True 0 45 4846.115
12 26.88 Yukikaze (Hissatsu: Guren,) 1455.210 True True True 0 55 6301.325
13 29.04 Kasha (Hissatsu: Kaiten,) 510.600 True True True 0 15 6811.925
14 31.20 Midare Setsugekka 1378.620 True True True 0 5 8190.545
15 33.36 Gekko 510.600 True True True 0 5 8701.145
compare_n_potencies([df_hgk1, df_hgk2], ['Using Hagakure', 'No Hagakure'])


The two policies diverge in a number of spots:

To sum up:

Using Hagakure at fewer than 3 Sen

This is a mildly controversial topic. Here are the facts:

Therefore, the driving factor is not the number of uses of Hagakure in an encounter, but how many Sen are converted with it. This is unlike more straightforward damage cooldowns like Internal Release where you can pretty much use them on cooldown without stringent regard for timing.

For example, if we squeeze out an extra Hagakure use because we used Hagakure at one Sen twice compared to holding it to convert three Sen, we actually converted one fewer Sen even though we used Hagakure one more time. (i.e., if we held Hagakure to convert at three Sen instead, we would have converted 3+3=6 Sen total. On the other hand, we converted 1+1+3=5 Sen total, even with the extra Hagakure usage.)

It takes 2-3 GCDs, or roughly 4-7 seconds to open a Sen. Worst case scenario: Hagakure comes off cooldown when you already have three Sen open and just complete your next combo. This means you need 8 GCDs to open all three Sen if you intend on holding Hagakure to convert them; this is about 17-18 seconds. If this happens twice in an encounter, that holding time is about equal to an extra Hagakure.

With a perfect mapping of cooldowns throughout an encounter, you can probably decide the best ways to use Hagakure. Without prior knowledge of how an encounter will play out, you can safely follow some rules of thumb:

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On Higanbana

At over effectively 1410 potency in a single GCD, Higanbana’s efficiency is unmatched. However, since its payoff occurs over a 60s DoT, if most of the DoT does not tick, then we would have been better off not applying Higanbana. How much is enough?

Applying Higanbana

We’ll initialize with 20 Kenki in the gauge and Jinpu and Shifu already active but no Sen currently open. We’ll assume, without loss of generality, that Hagakure, Meikyo Shisui, and Hissatsu: Guren are available.

sam = Samurai(base_gcd=2.40, kenki_mastery=2, kenki_gauge=20)

sam.has_jinpu = True
sam.has_shifu = True

actions = [('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'), ('Higanbana'), 
           ('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Guren'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze', 'Hagakure'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Jinpu', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Gekko', 'Meikyo Shisui'),
           ('Yukikaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'), ('Midare Setsugekka'), ('Gekko', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu', 'Hagakure'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'), ('Higanbana')]

df_higanbana_true, _, _ = sam.parse_rotation(actions)
average potency per GCD = 536.2691666666665
average potency per second = 248.272762346
Time Weaponskill Abilities Potency Jinpu Shifu Yukikaze Higanbana Kenki Total Potency
0 0.00 Hakaze 150.000 True True False 0 20 150.000
1 2.16 Yukikaze (Hissatsu: Kaiten,) 340.000 False False False 0 25 490.000
2 4.32 Higanbana 377.800 False False True 0 15 867.800
3 6.48 Hakaze 204.300 False False True 1 15 1072.100
4 8.64 Jinpu 348.600 False False True 1 20 1420.700
5 10.80 Gekko 548.400 True False True 1 25 1969.100
6 12.96 Hakaze 229.275 True False True 1 35 2198.375
7 15.12 Shifu 395.220 True False True 1 40 2593.595
8 17.28 Kasha (Hissatsu: Guren,) 1569.600 True True True 1 45 4163.195
9 19.44 Hakaze 229.275 True True True 1 5 4392.470
10 21.60 Yukikaze (Hagakure,) 471.810 True True True 1 10 4864.280
11 23.76 Hakaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 612.225 True True True 1 80 5476.505
12 25.92 Jinpu (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 778.170 True True True 1 60 6254.675
13 28.08 Gekko (Meikyo Shisui,) 548.400 True True True 1 40 6803.075
14 30.24 Yukikaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 854.760 True True True 1 50 7657.835
15 32.40 Kasha (Hissatsu: Kaiten,) 548.400 True True True 1 35 8206.235
16 34.56 Midare Setsugekka 1416.420 True True True 1 25 9622.655
17 36.72 Gekko (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 931.350 True True True 1 25 10554.005
18 38.88 Hakaze 229.275 True True True 1 10 10783.280
19 41.04 Yukikaze 471.810 True True True 1 15 11255.090
20 43.20 Hakaze 229.275 True True True 1 25 11484.365
21 45.36 Shifu 395.220 True False True 1 30 11879.585
22 47.52 Kasha (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 931.350 True True True 1 35 12810.935
23 49.68 Hakaze 229.275 True True True 1 20 13040.210
24 51.84 Jinpu 395.220 True True True 1 25 13435.430
25 54.00 Gekko (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 931.350 True True True 1 30 14366.780
26 56.16 Hakaze 229.275 True True True 1 15 14596.055
27 58.32 Shifu (Hagakure,) 395.220 True True True 1 20 14991.275
28 60.48 Kasha (Hissatsu: Kaiten,) 548.400 True True True 1 85 15539.675
29 62.64 Higanbana 548.400 True True True 1 75 16088.075

Ignoring Higanbana

We’ll start with the same initial conditions but this time decide against applying Higanbana.

sam = Samurai(base_gcd=2.40, kenki_mastery=2, kenki_gauge=20)

sam.has_jinpu = True
sam.has_shifu = True

actions = [('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha', 'Hagakure'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Guren'), ('Jinpu', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Gekko', 'Meikyo Shisui'),
           ('Yukikaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'), ('Midare Setsugekka'), ('Gekko'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'), ('Midare Setsugekka'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),

df_higanbana_false, _, _ = sam.parse_rotation(actions)
average potency per GCD = 536.0723333333334
average potency per second = 248.181635802
Time Weaponskill Abilities Potency Jinpu Shifu Yukikaze Higanbana Kenki Total Potency
0 0.00 Hakaze 150.000 True True False 0 20 150.000
1 2.16 Yukikaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 673.000 False False False 0 25 823.000
2 4.32 Hakaze 166.500 False False True 0 10 989.500
3 6.48 Jinpu 310.800 False False True 0 15 1300.300
4 8.64 Gekko (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 893.550 True False True 0 20 2193.850
5 10.80 Hakaze 191.475 True False True 0 5 2385.325
6 12.96 Shifu 357.420 True False True 0 10 2742.745
7 15.12 Kasha (Hagakure,) 510.600 True True True 0 15 3253.345
8 17.28 Hakaze (Hissatsu: Guren,) 1212.675 True True True 0 85 4466.020
9 19.44 Jinpu (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 740.370 True True True 0 40 5206.390
10 21.60 Gekko (Meikyo Shisui,) 510.600 True True True 0 20 5716.990
11 23.76 Yukikaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 816.960 True True True 0 30 6533.950
12 25.92 Kasha (Hissatsu: Kaiten,) 510.600 True True True 0 15 7044.550
13 28.08 Midare Setsugekka 1378.620 True True True 0 5 8423.170
14 30.24 Gekko 510.600 True True True 0 5 8933.770
15 32.40 Hakaze 191.475 True True True 0 15 9125.245
16 34.56 Shifu 357.420 True True True 0 20 9482.665
17 36.72 Kasha (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 893.550 True True True 0 25 10376.215
18 38.88 Hakaze 191.475 True True True 0 10 10567.690
19 41.04 Yukikaze 434.010 True True True 0 15 11001.700
20 43.20 Hakaze 191.475 True True True 0 25 11193.175
21 45.36 Jinpu 357.420 True True True 0 30 11550.595
22 47.52 Gekko (Hissatsu: Kaiten,) 510.600 True True True 0 35 12061.195
23 49.68 Midare Setsugekka 1378.620 True True True 0 25 13439.815
24 51.84 Hakaze 191.475 True True True 0 25 13631.290
25 54.00 Shifu 357.420 True True True 0 30 13988.710
26 56.16 Kasha (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 893.550 True True True 0 35 14882.260
27 58.32 Hakaze 191.475 True True True 0 20 15073.735
28 60.48 Yukikaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 816.960 True True True 0 25 15890.695
29 62.64 Hakaze 191.475 True True True 0 10 16082.170
compare_potencies([df_higanbana_true, df_higanbana_false], ['Higanbana', 'No Higanbana'])


I applied the same policy to each scenario and limited the horizon to the duration of one Higanbana. I did not make a conscious effort to expend all resources (i.e., Sen and Kenki) at the end of this horizon so this is assuming that the encounter continues on. One small adjustment that could be made in each case is using Meikyo Shisui earlier, or even double weaving it with Hagakure if you are comfortable.

Here we see that the cumulative potency and resulting pps metrics end up being more or less equal. However, the final conditions differ in each case:

Applying Higanbana:

Ignoring Higanbana:

We see the immediate gains of ignoring Higanbana as that simulation takes an early lead for the first portion of the simulated duration. However, we observe the track with applied Higanbana catch up at around 34 seconds, or 30 seconds after the first Higanbana was applied. This is the point where we apply our first Midare Setsugekka to match the other policy.

Furthermore, the ending conditions of the policy with Higanbana put it favorably ahead in terms of potential damage. It ends with effectively 115 Kenki (if we did not do the second application of Higanbana) compared to the effective 55 Kenki of the other policy. (Converting Sen to Kenki here.)


I will go with the general recommendation of applying Higanbana if at least half of its DoT’s duration will tick and if it does not preclude you from getting a Midare Setsugekka off in that timespan. The scale tilts in favor of applying Higanbana if there is any forced downtime (but the target is still targetable) due to mechanics; the DoT pays off even if you’re not hitting a target.

One interesting observation is that even at the full duration of Higanbana, both policies are essentially equivalent in their cumulative potency outcome. If we know that we have about about a minute left in the encounter, we’ll have to adjust our decisions accordingly to avoid leaving resources on the table. For example, instead of using Hagakure and reapplying Higanbana, we probably should’ve just used Midare Setsugekka. Here’s how that would like:

sam = Samurai(base_gcd=2.40, kenki_mastery=2, kenki_gauge=20)

sam.has_jinpu = True
sam.has_shifu = True

actions = [('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'), ('Higanbana'), 
           ('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Guren'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze', 'Hagakure'),
           ('Hakaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Jinpu', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Gekko', 'Meikyo Shisui'),
           ('Yukikaze', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'), ('Midare Setsugekka'), ('Gekko', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Yukikaze'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Jinpu'), ('Gekko', 'Hissatsu: Shinten'),
           ('Hakaze'), ('Shifu', 'Hissatsu: Kaiten'), ('Midare Setsugekka'), ('Kasha', 'Hissatsu: Gyoten')]

df_higanbana_true2, _, _ = sam.parse_rotation(actions)
average potency per GCD = 565.2031666666666
average potency per second = 261.668132716
Time Weaponskill Abilities Potency Jinpu Shifu Yukikaze Higanbana Kenki Total Potency
0 0.00 Hakaze 150.000 True True False 0 20 150.000
1 2.16 Yukikaze (Hissatsu: Kaiten,) 340.000 False False False 0 25 490.000
2 4.32 Higanbana 377.800 False False True 0 15 867.800
3 6.48 Hakaze 204.300 False False True 1 15 1072.100
4 8.64 Jinpu 348.600 False False True 1 20 1420.700
5 10.80 Gekko 548.400 True False True 1 25 1969.100
6 12.96 Hakaze 229.275 True False True 1 35 2198.375
7 15.12 Shifu 395.220 True False True 1 40 2593.595
8 17.28 Kasha (Hissatsu: Guren,) 1569.600 True True True 1 45 4163.195
9 19.44 Hakaze 229.275 True True True 1 5 4392.470
10 21.60 Yukikaze (Hagakure,) 471.810 True True True 1 10 4864.280
11 23.76 Hakaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 612.225 True True True 1 80 5476.505
12 25.92 Jinpu (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 778.170 True True True 1 60 6254.675
13 28.08 Gekko (Meikyo Shisui,) 548.400 True True True 1 40 6803.075
14 30.24 Yukikaze (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 854.760 True True True 1 50 7657.835
15 32.40 Kasha (Hissatsu: Kaiten,) 548.400 True True True 1 35 8206.235
16 34.56 Midare Setsugekka 1416.420 True True True 1 25 9622.655
17 36.72 Gekko (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 931.350 True True True 1 25 10554.005
18 38.88 Hakaze 229.275 True True True 1 10 10783.280
19 41.04 Yukikaze 471.810 True True True 1 15 11255.090
20 43.20 Hakaze 229.275 True True True 1 25 11484.365
21 45.36 Shifu 395.220 True False True 1 30 11879.585
22 47.52 Kasha (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 931.350 True True True 1 35 12810.935
23 49.68 Hakaze 229.275 True True True 1 20 13040.210
24 51.84 Jinpu 395.220 True True True 1 25 13435.430
25 54.00 Gekko (Hissatsu: Shinten,) 931.350 True True True 1 30 14366.780
26 56.16 Hakaze 229.275 True True True 1 15 14596.055
27 58.32 Shifu (Hissatsu: Kaiten,) 395.220 True True True 1 20 14991.275
28 60.48 Midare Setsugekka 1416.420 True True True 1 5 16407.695
29 62.64 Kasha 548.400 True True True 1 5 16956.095
compare_n_potencies([df_higanbana_true, df_higanbana_false, df_higanbana_true2], ['2 Higanbana', 'No Higanbana', '1 Higanbana'])


That’s a nontrivial increase in damage. This is just one of many examples of being cognizant of encounter duration when planning your resource usage.

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